VPN server owners should use long, unique, and complex passwords consisting of a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Such passwords are much more difficult to guess or crack.

The second important aspect is updating VPN server software.

Regular updates help maintain the security of the server, including fixing vulnerabilities and improving the security system. VPN server owners should stay informed about news and releases from the NSA and CISA to promptly receive information about updates and security patches.

The third important aspect is setting up real-time event monitoring systems.

VPN server owners should be able to monitor activity on their servers and quickly respond to any suspicious activity or security breaches. This should include monitoring network traffic, system logs, and detecting unusual activity.

The fourth significant aspect is installing a firewall and security rules.

A firewall helps control access to the server and filters network traffic to prevent potential attacks. VPN server owners should develop strict access rules that only allow necessary users to enter the system.

Lastly, but equally important, is user education.

VPN server owners should educate their users on secure VPN usage, including informing them about risks and current attack methods. All users should be aware of security policies and take responsibility for adhering to these policies.


The security guide for protecting VPN servers, published by the NSA and CISA, is an important source of information for ensuring the security of our VPN servers. Establishing strong passwords, regular updates, real-time event monitoring systems, security rules, and user education are all important steps in protecting servers and data from potential threats. Remember that security should be an ongoing process, and VPN server owners should stay vigilant and implement necessary security measures to protect their systems.